Glimmers and the People Inside

Glimmers and the People Inside

Hey, I learned something new this week! It’s possible I’m the last person on Earth to hear about glimmers. That is, emotional glimmers.   It was news to me, too.   Duh, Lily, we’re all the same person.   Duh? 9, you have a better vocabulary than that. I...

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Late Bloomers with the People Inside

Late Bloomers with the People Inside

Most things don’t happen when you think they will, especially if you haven’t sent out invitations. Some things happen early, like getting the first Walla Walla snowfall before Thanksgiving. Other things happen late, and lately it seems many things happen late. You...

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Home Repairs with the People Inside

Home Repairs with the People Inside

This week I intended to see “Oppenheimer” but the thought of sitting still, indoors, for three hours deterred me. There are many other projects to address this week, including the exciting and universally understood topic of home repairs.   I’m terrible with a...

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Barbie with the People Inside

Barbie with the People Inside

Thursday, July 20, 2023: Preparing for a research trip. Departure time: 2:30 P. Destination: Cinemark Grand Cinemas, Walla Walla, WA. Purpose: to attend the first Walla Walla showing of the new movie “Barbie.”   You know we really don’t care for dolls.  ...

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Habits with the People Inside

Habits with the People Inside

Habits: usual ways of behaving, something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way. So says an online dictionary about what’s on my mind this week. Good habits, bad habits, doing things out of habit, nun’s habits. It’s an easy topic to riff on.   It...

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July with the People Inside

July with the People Inside

Wow! It seemed like it would be spring forever and BANG! Suddenly it’s not. Suddenly it’s JULY.   What’s the first thing you think of when you think of July?   Independence Day, obviously.   Including hot dogs!   Or, as we say in 2023, plant-based...

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