Prep and the People Inside

Prep and the People Inside

What does prep mean to you this week? Doubtless cooking prep comes to mind. I’m writing this on Thanksgiving, faced with my own meal prep and a Zoom with family coming up in half-an-hour.   For me, most of Thanksgiving prep has to do with shopping. I have a dead...

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Feet and the People Inside

Feet and the People Inside

Feet. Forgive me for choosing a pedestrian subject for this week’s blog, but it’s been a strange week that seems to be all about feet, or the synonym, feat.   I’ve recently been addressing some health issues, things to do with misaligned vertebrae and unexplained...

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Winter Bowl Games and the People Inside

Winter Bowl Games and the People Inside

It’s not what you’re thinking. This is not a blog about football championships. This is about a bowl game that will get you to and through the holiday season and past the daylight-deprived days ahead. I’m talking about Advent Bowl.   Oh good, I love Advent Bowl!...

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Age and the People Inside

Age and the People Inside

It’s that time of year again! The Age Meter turned over another annual notch on Monday. I am officially older than anything or anyone that is less than sixty-two years old.   Why do you keep doing that? You were fifty-nine when you reclaimed me. Yeah, and you...

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Choosing a Title with the People Inside

Choosing a Title with the People Inside

The life of a writer is filled with many challenges. Every so often I am invited to give a presentation about writing. I joyfully tackle preparing for this type of event- -developing and rehearsing a script, designing handouts, etc.- -except for one requirement that...

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Branding and the People Inside

Branding and the People Inside

Today I feel like a Holstein heifer. Why? Because this week I’m investigating the concept of branding. Social media branding, that is. What do you mean by branding? An excellent question, Lily (my inner 14-year-old is always on top of things), and one I’ve been asking...

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