Adventure and the Person Inside

Adventure and the Person Inside

I am grateful to live in Washington State. It’s a place filled with diversity, creativity and loads of natural beauty. My roots are firmly planted here, with ancestors first arriving in 1860. I feel fortunate to live in a state where our governor has initiated a...

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Acceptance and the Person Inside

Acceptance and the Person Inside

We’re back! Lily and I have recovered from last week’s funk and are ready to write about current times once more. We’ve figured out that dealing with the pandemic and the necessary public health restrictions has truly plunged us into grief. Common wisdom explains...

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Fun and the Person Inside

Fun and the Person Inside

In Washington State, we’ve been under a Stay at Home order since March 23. It seems like this has been in effect for much longer than 25 (or is it 26?) days. However, I’m more-or-less adapting to the restrictions and starting to have some fun, too.   About time....

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Entertainment and the Person Inside

Entertainment and the Person Inside

Lily and I are getting burned out on everything being so limited and serious! You, too? Good! Let’s talk about something besides THAT THING that’s dominating all of our lives now and instead turn to the topic of entertainment.   I acknowledge that entertainment...

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Restoration and the Person Inside

Restoration and the Person Inside

  My Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Pocket edition © 1974, 12th printing May, 1976) cheats in its definition of restoration: Restoration: n 1. an act of restoring; the state of being restored 2. Something that is restored If English is not your first language, you...

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Lost with the Person Inside

Lost with the Person Inside

NOTE: Since this blog was written I have substantially recovered my spirits. Yay! Please take the following as a PSA on behalf of “shelter in place” friends and family members who live alone.   Midway through the second day of “stay home, stay safe” time here in...

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