

It’s “back to school” month, a time of year that, for me, pulls up memories of new school supplies and cardigan sweaters that were just right in the morning but too hot in the afternoon. In grade school it meant long hours under the guidance of a lone teacher,...

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Adventures in Middle Grade Fiction

Adventures in Middle Grade Fiction

    One of the benefits of being a writer is always having an excuse to read. Sometimes I’m focused on research for a story, sometimes I’m looking for the elusive “comp” title (meaning either comparable or competitive, depending on who you ask) for a book...

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Guest Blog-James Ares Smith

Guest Blog-James Ares Smith

      Before I get started, I’d like to thank S. D. Matley for inviting me to write this week’s blog. It’s an honor to be the first Small-g City character to take this responsibility. To be honest, she had to do some arm twisting as I’m not a fan of...

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Why Writers Need Hobbies

Why Writers Need Hobbies

  Writers need hobbies for the same reason accountants need hobbies- -writers have got to get away from the desk before they calcify. This implies that writers should have hobbies that involve physical activity but, ironically, reading is, for many writers, the...

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A Big Box of Books. Now What?

A Big Box of Books. Now What?

  The publishing industry has changed a lot since I started writing novels back in the 1990s. E-books, the rise of small independent presses and self-publishing have greatly increased the number of titles available and niche markets have proliferated. As a...

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Album Advocacy

Album Advocacy

  This week I’m blogging under a different hat. Don’t get me wrong, I could lather on and on about the book release but I’m sure you could use a fresh topic. So let’s look at the new world of music. Isn’t it strange that single songs can be downloaded? Spotify...

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