I am honored to be the final presenter for Walla Walla County Rural Library District’s 50th Anniversary speaker series! “Myth-Taken Identities: Using the Greek Pantheon in Fiction” starts at Noon, Saturday, November 5th, Touchet Fire Hall, Touchet, WA.
Join us for the whys and hows of using mythological figures as a starting point for retellings of myths or a jumping off point for new stories. The presentation will include readings from my contemporary fantasy/mythology “G” series, a bit about my writer’s journey, and examples of other myth-based works of fiction by others that you can find on book store and library shelves.
Plus a giveaway or two! And yes, my “G” series books will be available for purchase (also locally at Book & Game of Walla Walla, and Earthlight Books, and at this website).
Hope to see you there!