Doc Holliday leads upset in Fraudster drawing, enjoys a celebratory glass of wine in the aftermath. . .

I never thought I’d see this day. Here, right on the patio, beagle-dachshund mix Doc Holliday Matley made an upset determination in the “My Favorite Fraudster” drawing by sticking his considerable nose into what has previously been cat business.

You heard it here first. Doc swept in front of Judge Grizelda Matley (who identifies as feline) and selected the entry of Kathie Meyer, currently of Port Townsend, WA.

Kathie’s favorite fraudster is Rita Crundwell of Dixon, IL. Rita is familiar to the general public through the documentary “All the Queen’s Horses” released in 2017, as well as some crime-themed television shows. Crundwell was comptroller and treasurer of Dixon, IL, for almost 30 years. During this time she embezzled $53.7 million. She used the money to create a prestigious quarter horse breeding business, RC Quarter Horses.

The fraud was discovered in 2011, when Crundwell was on an extended vacation. The city clerk and acting comptroller discovered some irregular transactions and reported them to Mayor James G. Burke. Burke contacted the FBI.

Rita Crundwell is currently serving a 19 year, 7 month prison sentence and was required to forfeit the $53.7 million. Her projected release date is March, 2030.

Congratulations to our winner, Kathie Meyer! Her remarkable prize, the Incarceration anthology from WolfSinger Publications, is in the mail. Really!

Thanks to all who entered, and remember, folks: crime does not pay!


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