Ellen Margaret “Nellie” Gilliam Day is due for two appearances this fall. Her full Living History presentation at Fort Walla Walla Museum debuts at 2 PM, Sunday September 18. Mrs. Day was a first in many ways- -the first female Walla Walla County school superintendent (1887-1889) and the first female employee at the Walla Walla Evening Bulletin in 1906. In between, she was the second wife of Jesse Newberry Day, the founder of Dayton, WA. Nellie was born in Polk County, Oregon, the daughter of pioneers and the granddaughter of Colonel Cornelius Gilliam, who commanded one of the 1844 wagon trains. She will visit from the year 1918! For the complete Fort Walla Walla Museum calendar of events, look here: https://www.fwwm.org/all-events?view=calendar&month=09-2022
Nellie will also make a brief appearance at the fall Mountain View Cemetery tour, scheduled for October 1, time TBA. This event is organized through City of Walla Walla Parks and Rec.
I’ll be wearing a different (metaphorical) hat at noon, November 5, for my presentation “Myth-Taken Identities: the Greek Pantheon in Fiction” at the Touchet Firehall, Touchet, WA. This presentation is part of the Walla Walla Country Rural Library District’s semi-centennial celebration: https://www.wwcrld.org/programs-services/50th-anniversary-page-clh
The presentation will include a reading or two from my contemporary fantasy/mythology series Small-g City, Big-G City and Beyond Big-G City, and possibly a preview of volume four, Crisis in Big-G City (due out later this year or in 2023). Get the inside scoop on familiar gods Zeus and Hera, and on the less recognized immortals (David Bernstein, Jim and Candy Smith, Cleo Petra, etc.).
Happy fall, and I hope to see you at one, two or all three events!