15 Aug 07 Blog 21 Hollywood Scandal

Ha ha! Caught you! You’re someone just like me who’s trying to attract page views by inventing some irresistible SEO Keywords.

And what is an SEO Keyword, anyway?

The first part, SEO, stands for Search Engine Optimization. An SEO Keyword is a word or series of words that summarize the contents of a post and direct viewers to websites of interest, based on their queries. Yoast advises that sub-headings with SEO Keywords are helpful in attracting views.

And, furthermore, who or what is Yoast?

Yoast is a website diagnostic tool. It’s helpful with page view analysis, and every day it shows me not only how many page views my website receives but also what pages (and even what posts) people are looking at. I love having this information at my fingertips and, for a while, that was enough. Then I noticed that Yoast also evaluates my work and was complaining that I hadn’t had any SEO Keywords in 21 posts! I’m going to have some fun with this.

Vampires, Zombies and Donald Trump!

Count on it, you will never again see these subjects in one of my blogs. Well, maybe vampires.

Hollywood Romance Scandal!

This explains the Polaroid illustrating today’s blog, taken at the Romance Writers of America conference in Anaheim, CA, many years ago. The after-awards party had a Hollywood theme, including photo ops with actors impersonating Clark Gable, Rudolph Valentino and Errol Flynn. The idea was to have a romantic photo with your favorite classic movie star. That’s Gable for me, but while I was waiting in line I got the wild idea to pose with all three.

Immortal Giant Inhabits Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct!

This one’s for real, folks, and I’m happy to report both the cover art and the printer’s proof of my sci-fi novella, Small-g City, have appeared in the past week. Stay tuned for details, the release date is planned for Friday, August 14!

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