When I was growing up, a drawer in our kitchen was designated “The Everything Drawer,” something other families called a catchall. I openly confess to having such a drawer. Like the old days, it’s in the kitchen and it started off as a place for little-used cooking paraphernalia- -egg slicer, toothpicks, cooking twine. Clothespins a box of matches found their way in and I wouldn’t be surprised if marking pens, a pack of playing cards and hunk of Velcro showed up in coming years.
Catchall is this week’s theme. Watch your fingers, there might be a needle stashed in here somewhere!
It’s been a year since I timidly pulled up Google’s BlogSpot and proceeded step by step until “The Very First Post” was up and running. Sometimes it’s been a challenge to come up with visual images to accompany the blogs (when in doubt, post a picture of a cat) but mostly it’s been fun. Thank you very much for reading my posts, including this one- -#53!
Favorite Character Contest
Remember the Small-g City “Favorite Character” contest? Probably not, because I didn’t receive a single entry! The only mention ever made of it online or elsewhere was from Cynthia Koan of Port Townsend, WA, who was kind enough to write, “My favorite character is the author.” When Cynthia returns from her present travels in Dubai and Poland she’ll be surprised to find two autographed copies of Small-g City in her accumulation of mail. Who knows, she may even be pleased?
And Speaking of Contests
Given the roaring success of the “Favorite Character” contest, I am sweetening the pot for the “Your Favorite Book Store” contest (open March 1-April 30). NOT ONLY will 6 copies of Small-g City be presented to the winning book store BUT the person who writes the (100 word or less) winning entry (submitted through the contact page of this website) will receive A ONE-POUND BOX OF BRIGHT’S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, made fresh in Walla Walla, WA http://brightscandies.com/ So what are you waiting for?
And Speaking of Speaking
We’ll be reading from Small-g City at the Port Townsend Public Library (Pink House Annex), Port Townsend, WA on Thursday, April 14, 7-8 PM. No, I am not using the royal “we”; fabulous actor Bruce Matley will be reading with me, in the role of Ralph.
Who Said Poetry?
I did, thank you very much! April is National Poetry Month and I’ll be highlighting some poet friends in the next few blogs to celebrate. If you enjoy reading, writing and listening to poetry, check with your local libraries and bookstores for special events. If cowboy poetry is your passion, the fifteenth annual Cowboy Poetry Week is April 17-23. Learn more at: http://www.cowboypoetry.com/week2016.htm
Now, where did I put that hunk of Velcro?