A big change-Graduation Night 1977 with Cousin David Miller

A big change-Graduation Night 1977 with Cousin David Miller

I usually pick a blog topic from my (periodically brainstormed) list, but sometimes life hops madly in all directions and it’s hard to write about anything but what’s happening real-time on blog day.

Today is that kind of day.

A lot of it is stuff I don’t want to write about. There are too many unknowns. There’s a family element, a career element, a where do we move next element. Someone dear counting down their last days, hopefully in comfort. New work possibilities on the horizon that might involve travel. The realization that we’ve accomplished what we came to do in Prescott, WA, and that it’s time to move on.

There have been some happier developments this week, too. Pierce County Library System (Tacoma and thereabouts) has added 3 copies of “Small-g City” to their collection, and all of them are checked out! King County Library System responded to my recommendation to acquire the book by purchasing (drum roll, please!) 12 copies. Yesterday, my husband wrapped up a project that he’s been working on for months, with pleasing results.

Some of the happenings this week are mixed. We’re pretty sure we’ve found a new home for Wally, the horse, but are sad to say goodbye, even though it’s a good move for him. The prospect of moving is exciting in ways, but the work involved in getting our house ready to sell, finding a new place and getting four cats and a dog settled is daunting. Time for lots of slow, deep breaths and baby steps forward.

Everyone has times like this. It’s a heightened version of “life as usual” with every element screaming to be the top priority. This week’s special: crisis.

For me, the writer, the takeaway from this interesting time (as they called it in a stress management workshop I was once made to attend) is insight into character development. A believable character leads a complex life. Sometimes they are stingy in sharing the details of their lives with others. Some things work out the way they hope, some things don’t. However things work out, the resolution of a crisis always leads to something new, and it might even be something good. A first-hand look at eternity. Satisfying work with decent pay. A new home to tame and a new community to explore.

Completely in character, I’m crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

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