The Magic Desk
If you ever doubt there is more to our world than meets the eye, let me tell you about my Magic Desk. No, it’s not a treadmill desk. In fact, it wasn’t designed as a desk at all. The Magic Desk started its life in Thailand decades ago as a carvery table. A writer...
Crime, Fear, Love, Mercy
This week I’ve been contemplating the relationship between crime, fear, love and mercy. My thoughts turned in that direction Monday evening, when something unexpected happened at our house. We live one mile east of a small town (population 300+/-), amidst thousands of...
Red Tape
As a former auditor, I’m very much in favor of people following rules and regulations, but this week I encountered an incident of red tape that was too much, even for me. It should have been simple. All I wanted to do was change the billing address on one of my Mom’s...
Teachers, Ancestors and Other Strangers
It’s the time of year when I think of back-to-school and those who wait for us there- -teachers. In my family we have five continuous generations of teachers. Most recently, my niece has followed in her mother’s footsteps. Before my sister, our dad and an uncle taught...
The Sky is Falling! (Oh, and would you like to buy my new book?)
The sky is falling! Literary heroine Henny Penny (or Chicken Little, as she’s known in the USA) was one adept bird at sounding the alarm. Wikipedia classifies her story as a variety of folktale that pokes fun at paranoia and mass hysteria, but sometimes we panic for...
Fun with Crisis
This week, I’m having fun with crisis. I take this unconventional approach because some sort of crisis is looming at all times. Is this your experience, too? Not sure? Let me give you some examples. Literary Crisis We’re a non-television household. For entertainment,...